4) Click on “OK” and the computer will be restarted.
(5) After the computer is restarted, connect your MP4-player to the computer, and then the driver is installed in your player
2. Format the MP4-player
The MP4-player has the FAT 32 format. If you wish to format the player, right click on removable disk and choose the format.
Then click on “Start” to format the player.
Making video files
In order to play video files on this MP4-player, you must change the video files into MTV video files.
AVI is the most popular video format for portable players, and it is the most popular format in the network. The video file
adopts XviD/DivX coded format. The video has a high quality (nothing less than files in WMV or RMVB format) and the file is
Supports avi, mpg, mpeg, rm, rmvb, wmv, dat. Changes to AVI format at high speed and high quality.
System requirements:
: Intel or AMD kernel
Intel requires at least Intel Pentium 3 or above, including Intel Celeron series
- Run the video conversion tool on the included CD, click and install the AV Converter V1.0
- After installation, please open the tool or click on the desktop: Start/Program/A Converter/ AVConverter V1.0/send to the
desktop shortcut mode.
Operation steps:
_ Select the video file source, click on “source file” on the right side of the conversion tool and then select the MTV to be
_ Select the export file path, click on “export file path” on the right side of the conversion tool. (Suppose as disk D)
_ Select the quality and the high/width.
_ After various parameters are established, please click on "start to transform”.
After the transformation progress reaches 100%, it will be displayed, that the transformation has been completed and it is
indicated, if the video transformation was successful. The file, which has been transformed, has to be transferred to the
portable media player via USB, then you can start to watch the video.
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www.cocos-promotions.de | www.cocos-promotions.com | www.usb-sticks.de