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10.6 Replay Times (Number of A-B Replays // Play-Submenu)
“Replay Times” means, that the player will automatically exit the Replay-Mode after the A-B segment was played for a set
number of times.
1. At Music (MSC)-Mode, while files are played:
2. Press the
-button to enter the Play-Submenu.
3. Press the
-button to go to the menu-item “Replay Times”.
4. Press the
-button to enter the menu.
5. Press the
-button to set the desired number of replays (A-B replay).
6. Press the
-button for confirmation and to exit the current menu.
10.7 Replay Gap (Time between the A-B Replays // Play-Submenu)
“Replay Gap” means the break period between the A-B Replays (unit: seconds).
1. At Music (MSC)-Mode, while files are played:
2. Press the
-button to enter the Play-Submenu.
3. Press the
-button to go to the menu-item “Replay Gap”.
4. Press the
-button to enter the menu.
5. Press the
-button to set the desired time between the replays (A-B replay).
6. Press the
-button for confirmation and to exit the current menu.
10.8 Private Space Function
Many MP3-users are puzzled over the problem of information disclosure and private data accessed by others. When others
borrow the MP3-player, normally all the private information should be deleted, which may cause problems.
However, the “Private Space” function, provided by this player, completely solves this great problem.
Users can divide the USB-Disk of this player with the accessory tools into two parts of any proportions (Users will see two
driver letters on the PC; but SP4 should be installed for the operating system Windows 2K, otherwise only one driver letter can
be seen. Without such installation, users must choose “normal only” or “encrypted only” in the “Online Mode” of the “System
Setting” Menu of the player), and one part can be encrypted as a private space, which needs a password for the access (if
users do not encrypt both parts, the USB-memory will be treated as two disks.). This is the great “Private Space” function.
1. Connect the player to a PC.
2. Run the accessory installation tool “MP3 Player Disk Tool”.
3. First, there is a format tool. Select the option “Partition and encrypt” and set a desired capacity for the encrypted disk, then
choose the setting of username and password. Fill the username in the blank field of “New username” and the password in
the blank field of “New password”, then write the same password again in the blank field of “New password Confirm”. After
the above operation is finished, click on “Start” and the partition begins.