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www.cocos-promotions.de | www.cocos-promotions.com | www.usb-sticks.de
2. Choose the ACT files for format conversion.
3. Click on “Convert” and the conversion starts.
* Besides the conversion from ACT to WAV, the accessory tool can also play WAV and MP3 files.
6. Operation of FM-Tuner (only for models with radio)
1. Enter the main menu.
2. Press the
-button to go to the FM-Menu.
3. Press the
-button to enter the FM-Menu.
4. Press the
-button again, in order to enter the FM-Submenu.
Auto Search (Automatic Search)
In the FM-Submenu, select “Auto Search” and press the
-button for confirmation. Then the player can automatically
scan frequencies between 87.5 MHz and 108 MHz and save the scanned stations.
Manual Search
Press the
-button: backward by 100 KHz
Press the
-button: forward by 100 KHz
Saving the manually searched stations
Enter the FM-Submenu and go to “Save”. Again press the
-button to save the current station.
Listening to the saved stations
If more than one station exists, press the
-button to listen to the stations in sequence.