Dual Pro 360 Features
H I G H D E F I N I T I O N 3 6 0 ° P R O T E C T I O N
Dual Pro 360
features a
new multi-color
OLED display.
Brilliant graphics
illuminate intuitive
icons that identify
the type of threat at
a glance.
Dual Pro 360’s HD Performance accurately
identifies real threats sooner than other
detectors, and with threat direction arrows,
provides you with location information about
these threats.
Updatable IVT Filter™ automatically reduces
false alerts from moving In-Vehicle Technology
sources such as collision avoidance systems and
adaptive cruise control.
GPS location-based intelligence automatically
locks out false alerts and allows you to mark
locations for future reference.
Access to the DEFENDER Database, which warns
you of verified speed traps, speed cameras, and
red light cameras.
Built in Bluetooth® technology gives you access
The real-time ticket-protection network which
warns you of upcoming alerts received and
reported by other users in the area, and gives
you access to local speed limit data for over-
speed alerts.
Take the freedom of the road back with the Cobra
Dual Pro 360, equipped with 360° high definition
protection, threat direction arrows, and intelligent
GPS technology to eliminate false alerts.
Go to for full featured Owner’s Manual.