Services that are rebroadcast using the optional IP streaming function,
or the optional microwave re-broadcast function will be identified by the
new service name CRX-xx.
Diagnostic On Screen Display (OSD)
The SOLO4 Central Receiver is equipped with a diagnostic on screen
display. This facility will ‘burn’ diagnostic data onto the video output for
test and set-up purposes. The OSD function is available individually for
each of the receivers within the SOLO4 Central Receiver. The OSD
function can be selected from the CRX control application, this is
described in more detail in the advanced section.
The displayed diagnostic data includes a spectrum display, signal to
noise data, input power level and frequency. The received spectrum
display is useful when checking for interference signals, the SNR
indicated signal quality. For more information on use of this facility a
domo training course is recommended.
Using the OSD as a Set-up / Diagnostic Tool
The On Screen Display (OSD) is an extremely useful tool for system
set-up and diagnostic.
When setting a domo system up the OSD should be used in the
following way.
Check Channel is Clear
With the transmitter OFF, check that the channel is empty of
interference signals, this is confirmed by ensuring that the reported
power in the channel is at –99dBm and that the spectrum is shown as a
rounded dome with no obvious spikes or tones.
Check Quality of Link
Switch on the transmitter and confirm that SNR is 6 or greater and that
power level is at least –92dBm or greater. This represents
approximately a 5dB margin. Failure of the link will occur when the
power level reaches –97dBm or the SNR reaches 2dBm