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GMS Inc. doing business as Cobham Tactical Communications and Surveillance
Local Control Panel Operation
Note: The active settings are maintained in a separate non-volatile memory area; separate from the 20
Configuration Groups we call Group 0. This was done to enable the M2TE’s ability to power-up in the same
configuration that was in-play prior to the shut-down of the unit, when the Group 0 settings have NOT been
saved into 1 of the 20 Configuration Groups. Changes can be made either from the Front-Panel or from the
LAN GUI (via a LOAD command) that will only affect Group 0.
WARNING: Before attempting to make any group changes (or switching to a different group) to the
transmitter from the front Local Control Panel ensure the unit has correct video input(s) per the current
configuration attached, the unit is fully initialized and there are no video errors indicated by the Status
Error LED indicator on the front panel.
In addition any changes implemented from the front panel once the ENTR key has been pushed are
saved into the current active group (see discussion on Groups in section 7).
Local Control Panel Introduction
The M2TE can be controlled locally by a user interface panel integral to the transmitter. This
interface shows some status and control settings of the transmitter and allows some limited changes
to its operation. M2TE has preset configuration groups where you can program various common
settings from a computer then simply change the groups as desired.
There are three operational modes;
Default Operating
Status Mode
) is the main mode that the local control panel is in when not being actively used.
Configuration Mode
is when the user is using the control panel to view current settings (and
values) or is using it to change various settings. The administrator has the ability to control access to
the various modes of the local control panel, so they cannot be changed by the end user. In
mode, the user has access to additional information than in the
Default Operating Mode
but is not
allowed to modify this information.
This section of the manual describes the control panel’s operating modes, how to read and change its
Local Control Panel Physical layout
The control panel has 4 main sections: