7.40. Terminal (local) Time Setting
Send SMS command “time+space+zone+pspace+time” to the tracker unit, If succeed, It will reply
“time OK”
For example: Send SMS “time zone123456 8”, 8 is Chinese time zone, If your country time zone is minus,
send SMS “time zone123456 -8”.
7.41. TCP/UDP switch
7.41.1 Command: "gprs+password,0,0" switch back to TCP mode, this is the default mode.
7.41.2 Command:"gprs+password,1,1"
switch to UDP mode.
7.42. Configure parameters by USB
Connect tracker to computer with the optional USB cable, open the memory of the tracker, find and open the
initial configuration file with notepad
, operate according the instructions.
Note: Correct password is needed every time you configure the tracker.
7.43. GPRS Setting
User must send SMS via cell phone to set up APN, IP and port before starting tracking by GPRS.
7.43.1. Configure APN APN standards for Access Point Name and differs from country to country. For more information about your
local APN, please inquire with your local GPRS network operator. APN settings of the first SIM card: (External SIM card is the first SIM card)
Send SMS “pSpace+your local APN” via a cell phone and if succeeded, the tracker will
return the message “APN OK”. APN settings of the second SIM card: (Internal SIM card is the second SIM card)
Send SMS “pSpace+your local APN” via a cell phone and if succeeded, the tracker will
reply “APN OK”
E.g. Send SMS command “APNONE123456 CMNET”. If succeeded, tracker will reply “APN OK”
Notes: 123456 refer to password of tracker and CMNET is the APN of the china mobile.
7.43.2. Configure GPRS User Name and password In most countries, the user name and password involving GPRS login are not compulsorily necessary,
therefore, the entry can be skipped. For those countries requiring user name and password, please configure as
following: User name and password settings of the first SIM card
Send SMS “upone+pspace+user+space+password”If succeeded, tracker will reply “user,password
ok! ”