7.15.4. Governor mode Send command “ gpassword” to tracker, it will reply “ governor ok” and switch to
governor mode. Set governor: send command “max+password 080”. E.g max123456 080, 123456 is the
password, 080 is the speed. When speed approach max speed, siren beeps 5 times to warn the driver; when speed reaches
or exceed the max speed, relay will be activated to limit the speed. Cut off oil and power system doesn’t work in governor mode. Cancel: send command “nogpassword” to tracker, it will reply “nogovernor ok”.
7.16. Vehicle maintenance notification
Send SMS "service123456 365d 10000", tracker replies "service ok!" after succeed, when the travelled mileage
over 10,000 kilometers, or when the device accumulated 350 days of work, it will give send maintenance notice
to the authorized numbers15 days in advance.
If in GPRS mode, Device will report to GPRS central.
If in GPRS mode, Device will report to server center every time when vehicle starts, and only one notification in
SMS mode.
7.17. RFID (option)
RFID module is supported. RFID data can be uploaded to service center (web platform) via GPRS, and saved and
displayed on the web platform.
Data logging
Logging volume depends on the capacity of the SD card inserted in the tracker device, and can be copied to
computer by card reader.
Auto logging
When the tracker device lost GSM signals or fall offline from GPRS, tracker will log the tracking position and
alerts automatically in the SD card on the basis of the pre-set condition, when GSM signals get back, all the event
alerts will be auto-sent to the authorized numbers or monitoring platform (server), but the logged tracking data
should be loaded to the monitoring platform via SMS command.
Logging upon times
Send SMS: “save0password” to the tracker unit, it will reply “save ok”, and will log the lat, long
locations every 30 seconds for 5 times. (S: second, m: minute; h: hour).
Send SMS:”save030s***n+password” to tracker device, it will reply “save ok”.
Logging Clearance
Send SMS: “clear+password” to tracker device, it will reply “clear ok”.