In most countries, the user name and password involving GPRS login are not compulsorily necessary,
therefore, the entry can be skipped. For those countries requiring user name and password, please
configure as following:
Send SMS “up+pspace+user+space+password”If succeeded, “user,password ok” is returned by
the tracker in SMS.
For exsample: send SMS “up123456 jonnes 666666” to the tracker, and if succeeded, the tracker returns
“user, password OK”
Note: 123456 is tracker device password, jonnes is the user name for GPRS login, 666666 is the
password for GPRS login.
IP and port setup
Send SMS as below via a cell phone: pSpace+IP Address
(or DNS)
Number, If succee
ded, “adminip OK” is returned by the device in SMS.
e.g, Send SMS command “adminip123456 04.GPSTRACKERXY.COM 9000” to the tracker device, If
succeeded, “adminip OK” is returned by the device in SMS.( 123456 is default password
9000 is port).
Switch to GPRS mode
Send SMS “GPRS+password” to the unit, and it will reply “GPRS ok!” it means tracker
device has switched to “GPRS” mode.
TCP / UDP Switch
Send command: "gprs+password,0,0" switch back to TCP mode, this is the default mode.
Send command:"gprs+password,1,1" switch to UDP mode.
Send SMS “SMS+password” to the unit, it will reply “SMS ok!” and restore to “SMS”
Activate "Fuel" value in GPRS data
The default format of GPRS data doesn't include "Fuel" value, if you need "Fuel"value, please
send “ppassword 18” to tracker, if succeed, it will reply "protocol 18 ok"; send
“ppassword 12” to change back to default mode, if succeed, it will reply "protocol 12 ok".
Set up monitor center number
Setup: send command “cepspace+number” to tracker,
it will reply“center num ok”. After setup monitor center number, the messages of auto track by sms will be
set to this center number, if all alarms need to be sent to this number too, then this center number must be
setup as authorized number.
Cancel: Send “nocepassword” to tracker, it will reply “no centernum ok”.