BBG1040ACO-OM (V1.4)
Setup/Operating Instructions
SD closed captioning waveform
or character rendering is
Character burner and/or
moving box insertions running
into line 21
For SD usage, burn-ins can impinge on and
corrupt line 21 closed-captioning waveform if
positioned too close to the upper right of the
raster. Typically, character burn and/or moving
box insertions are not intended for content (such
as OTA) where CC is required. If CC is present
and must be retained, make certain to check CC
content if burn-in insertions are enabled and
reposition burn-ins to avoid line 21 interference.
Device does not pass video or
audio as expected. Control
settings spontaneously changed
from expected settings.
Event-based preset
inadvertently invoked
Event-based preset loading (Events Setup tab)
should be set to Disabled if this function is not
to be used. Read and understand this control
description before using these controls to make
sure engagement for all expected conditions is
considered. See Presets (p. 3-41) for more
Device will not retain user
settings, or setting changes or
presets spontaneously invoke.
• GPI Controls tab GPI
Coding set to Level (binary)
with no controlled GPI source
connected to GPI inputs
• If GPI is not to be used, make certain GPI
Coding control on GPI Controls tab is set to
Disabled. (If control is left on Level with no
inputs, the pull-up HI logic state on the open
inputs will be interpreted as two “HI’s” on the
inputs, possibly resulting in an unintentional
invoked preset).
• Event Based Loading
sub-tab inadvertently set to
trigger on event
• If event based loading is not to be used, make
certain event-based loading on Events Setup
tab is disabled (either using master Enable/
Disable control or through events settings.
See Presets (p. 3-41) for more information.
Table 3-5
Troubleshooting Processing Errors by Symptom — continued
Corrective Action