All content © 2015, cmotion GmbH. All specifications subject to change without notice. http://www.cmotion.eu
Using this Guide
This manual is split in three parts. The first introduces you to the
lens control system,
explaining components and concepts. The second takes you step by step through the setup of
the system. The third part guides you through operation and menu options. The table of contents
on page 3 provides a reference guide to specific sections of this user guide for quick information.
: Notes indicate important information related to the respective sec-
tions of this user’s guide.
: Warnings indicate important safety information. Ignoring these
could lead to equipment damage or injury.
All cmotion components are written in italics throughout this manual.
When a cable is referred to in this user’s manual, it will be referred to by its connectors.
E.g. Le 10p, Fi 3p. Connectors are manufactured by W. W. Fisher, Lemo or Hirose and are
referred to as Fi, Le and Hi respectively. The cable identification begins with the connector that
is attached to the
unit followed by the connector which is attached to non-cmotion unit or
cmotion accessory. Each connector also takes reference from the number of pins it has. E.g. Le
10p, Fi 3p means that the cmotion connector is a 10pin Lemo and the other end is a 3pin Fischer.
Cables may also be referred to by their commonly used names e.g. LBUS (Le 4p, Le 4p).
Occasionally, cable connectors are referred to as ‘m’ or ‘f’ to identify whether the connector is
male or female. For a full overview of cables, please download the cmotion cable guide available
from www.cmotion.eu.
Necessary Tools
4mm Allen keys may be required to complete steps laid out in the manual.
Frequently Used Terms
To Power Cycle: Turn your unit off and on again