Trade marks:
CME is the registered trade mark of Central Music Co.
UF is the registered trade mark of Central Music Co.
All the other trade marks belong to their respective owners.
Limited warranty:
All the content and specifi cation in this manual are for reference only. Central Music
Co reserves the rights to modify the manual, but dose not guarantee to notify the
modifi cation to anybody. Central Music Co also reserves the right to modify the product
specifi cation without notifi cation to anybody, thus there may be difference between the
real product and the manual. Central Music Co will not be responsible for any third-party
Central Music Co offers limited warranty to the original purchase user, that is, there is
no material or assembly defect within the warranty period. The warranty period starts
from the purchase date.
For the products with defect found, the user should send the product back to Central
Music Co within the warranty period with shipment cost paid; Central Music Co will
repair or replace the defective products for free. When sending the products, the user
must use the package box supplied or confi rmed by Central Music Co, otherwise the
warranty will be invalid. For the shipment cost, the user covers the shipment cost from
its place to Central Music Co, and Central Music Co covers the shipment cost from
Central Music Co back to the user. Please contact Central Music Co (Tel: 8610-8580
1115) in case you need warranty service, and you need to provide with product serial
number and your purchase warrant (invoice or receipt). Any modifi cation or appendix
to the warranty must be confi rmed by Central Music Co or its dealer or agent before it
becomes valid.
Responsibility exclusion:
• Regular wear and tear or consumption
• Abuse or improper use and damage caused by that
• Any damage caused by other device or system
• Any damage caused by modifi cation or repair not confi rmed by Central Music Co
• Products with broken or defi led serial number
• Any damage caused by non-Central Music Co package box
• Any damage caused by improper packaging
All of the above terms and other items not mentioned in the warranty, whether oral,
written, declared or implied, are invalid. Central Music Co denies all the implied
warranty, including (but not limited to) those warranty for sales, for some special
UF400e Firewire Audio Expansion Board Users Manual