2. operatiNg yoUr Daymark 9700
1. Time and Date Display: The time shown in this bar will be used to generate expiry
and shelf life for labels. This display also shows when the terminal will time out and
log out the current user. It is important that this time display is verified and accurate.
2. Item Buttons: Individual menu items are shown as an item button on the home screen.
Once selected you can print or modify a label for that item. The [New Item] button
allows you to add a new item in that category.
3. Slider Bar: Arrow keys allow you to navigate between multiple screens of item buttons
within a category.
4. Item Category Buttons: Category buttons represent a pre-determined list of items. Items
within the category will be an identical color to the category button. Category names
are not editable on the touch screen and are pre-configured and sized.
2. operatiNg yoUr Daymark 9700