13 / 54
Picture2-7 Power supply & communication aviation plug chart
2.4.2 I/O control interface cable description
Cable Specifications: Black insulating skin with metal screening net, 14 shares inner core, outer
diameter 7.8mm, the main cable length is 2.5m, "aviation plug “ is connected with reader "I / O
control interface", 14 core lines mainly provides two-way optical coupling input port, two-way
relay control ports, two Wiegand output, two-way communication port 485. Mainly used for
input trigger reading, peripherals switch control, upload card data, and communication functions,
see Table 2-4 I / O control aviation seat definition table.
Chart 2-8
I / O control interface cable chart
Shielded wire are twisted into one and
covered by heat shrink tubing.
Port A
Port B