Fan speed
The left rotating knob is used to set the fan speed. Touching the knob will immediately show the actual speed setting
on the display. Rotating the knob will change the value. As you release the knob the display will blink and memorize
the new value and then show again the ambient temperature.
The MK3 control offer the A – automatic option and the manual setting between the 8 available speeds. The A-
automatic setting reduces automatically the speed as the ambient temperature gets close to the set temperature.
As the ambient temperature reaches the set value the compressor goes off while the fan keeps blowing at the
minimum speed (automatic set).
Important note: if the functioning mode AF- Auto-special is selected, the fan speed range is automatically limited. In
COOL mode the minimum speed is #5 in auto and #3 in manual. In heat mode the minimum speed is #3. In heat
mode, if the HP safety stops the compressor, at restart the speed is rised by 2 steps both at first and at the second
intervention. At third intervention the system is locked out.
With the A – automatic and AF- automatic special functioning
modes, the LED corresponding to the summer cooling (Cool)
o winter heating (Heat) comes on together with the bottom-
right dot in the display. This dot indicates that the compressor
is running.
THE MK3 control gives additional informations on
the system functioning mode.
The display comes on when the units gets the
power supply.
The display shows the ambient temperature. If no
other LED or dot is on, the system is OFF.
System in summer
cool mode
Compressor running (LED steady)
The indicating dot for the compressor can be steady or blinking: A steady dot means the compressor is running. A
blinking dot means that the timer (2 min) is delaying automatically the compressor start. In this condition the fan is
running.When the timer time expires the compèressor and the pumps start automatically. , while the compressor is
waiting the timer to expire. When the dot becomes steady the compressor will start automatically. The timer cannot
be zeroed unless the power supply is cut. This procedure is not suggested and must be limited to the commissioning
phase in the presence of a skilled engineer and only if needed.
C861-01 – 02/2014