C L I M A T E M A S T E R W A T E R - S O U R C E H E A T P U M P S
C l i m a t e M a s t e r W a t e r- S o u r c e H e a t P u m p s
Tr a n q u i l i t y
W a t e r- t o - W a t e r T H W S e r i e s
R e v i s e d : 0 2 J a n u a r y, 2 0 1 3
Balancing/Shutoff Valves:
Ensure all isolation
valves are open, water control valves wired and
open or coax may freeze and burst.
Line Voltage and Wiring:
Ensure Voltage is
within an acceptable range for the unit and
wiring and fuses/breakers are properly sized.
Low voltage wiring is complete.
Unit Control Transformer:
Ensure transformer
has properly selected control voltage tap.
Entering Water:
Ensure entering water
temperatures are within operating limits of
Table 7.
Low Water Temperature Cutout
: Verify low
water temperature cut-out on CXM/DXM is
properly set.
Water Flow Balancing:
Verify inlet and outlet
water temperatures on both Load and source
are recorded for each heat pump upon startup.
This check can eliminate nuisance trip outs and
high velocity water fl ows that can erode heat
Unit Controls:
Verify CXM or DXM fi eld
selection options are proper and complete.
System Water Temperature:
Check load and
source water temperature for proper range and
also verify heating and cooling setpoints for
proper operation.
System pH:
System water pH is 6 - 8.5. Proper
pH promotes longevity of hoses and fi ttings.
System Flushing:
Water used in the system
must be potable quality initially and clean
of dirt, piping slag, and strong chemical
cleaning agents. Verify all air is purged from
the system. Air in the system can cause poor
operation or system corrosion.
Cooling Tower/Boiler:
Check equipment for
proper setpoints and operation.
Low Water Temperature Cutout:
low water temperature cut-out controls are
provided for the outdoor portion of the loop or
operating problems will occur.
: Note any questionable aspects
of the installation.
BEFORE POWERING SYSTEM, please check the following:
Figure 13: Test Mode Pins
To avoid equipment damage, DO NOT leave
lled in a building without heat during the winter
unless antifreeze is added to system water. Condenser
coils never fully drain by themselves and will freeze unless
winterized with antifreeze.
Verify ALL water controls are open and allow
ow prior to engaging the compressor. Freezing of
the coax or water lines can permanently damage the heat
Short test pins
together to enter
Test Mode and
speed-up timing
and delays for 20
Unit & System Checkout
CXM Board