Stan dard Fea tures of the Cy ber 9
Multiple-Event TotalRecall™
— Cyber 9’s memory stores the identity of the
last eight triggers and/or sensors activated. This provides an invaluable
diagnostic means, since, whenever you wish, the system will visually
identify the activated triggers and sensors in reverse chronological order.
Patented Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert
— When you return to your
vehicle and remotely disarm your Cyber 9, a special chirp and parking
light flash sequence will audibly and visually alert you from a distance if
an intrusion attempt was foiled while you were away. Your Cyber 9 will
even identify the specific trigger or sensor that detected the intrusion
High-Output Insignia Siren
— A loud yet compact siren designed
exclusively by Clifford Electronics for far superior performance, features,
reliability and even aesthetics to all other manufacturer’s look-alike,
sound-alike sirens.
Ultra- Reliability
— Since sirens are installed in the engine
compartment, they’re continually exposed to an unforgiving
environment of extreme temperatures, vibrations, dirt, dust and water,
which may cause the siren’s electronics to fail. But the entire
electronic circuitry of the Cyber 9 siren and all of its components have
been designed into the underdash control unit. Consequently, the
electronic circuitry is sheltered from the harsh environment and is no
longer the weakest link of the alarm system. In fact, the calculated
mean time between failure (MTBF) of the Cyber 9 Insignia Siren is 10
times better than that of conventional sirens.
User- Selectable Si ren Du ra tion
— You may set the siren wail for your
choice of either 30 or 60 seconds.
Pat ented Auto mat ic Noise Abate ment
—Cyber 9 siren electronics limit
alarm sounding to five siren duration cycles even if a door is left open
in the wake of an intrusion attempt. This ensures against battery drain
or towing of your vehicle due to noise pollution. The system then
automatically resets and re-arms all other points.