CleanCam Quick Start Guide
This Quick Start Guide provides instruction related to:
1) Software Installation
2) Hardware Set-up
3) Lens Adjustment
4) Pedal Configuration
Software Installation
1. Install the Pylon Software Suite.
b. Fill out the information about who is downloading the application.
c. Agree to the Basler Pylon Terms and Conditions.
d. Download the appropriate application for your system.
2. Connect the camera to the computer via a USB 3.0 port.
3. Launch Pylon Viewer on the computer and confirm that the camera is recognized.
a. See the “Lens adjustment” section for focusing instructions.
4. Work with your Client Engineering team to ensure that redirection of devices is enabled.
a. Note:
depending on your Hyperspace virtualization strategy, your Client Engineering
team may require details about the camera (such as VID and/or PID) in order to enable
redirection specifically for this model of camera.
If you use Citrix, the camera VID and PID can be found via the Citrix session
details: Citrix Session > Right Click > Connection Center > Devices.
1. Depending on your access in Citrix, you may not be able to see the
camera details. Consult with your Client Engineering team for more
5. Launch Hyperspace and log into the Dispense Preparation activity and open an order with an
existing dispense. Confirm that the "Take Picture" button is available.
a. Select "Take Picture".
Selecting the “preview” option in Epic-Dispense Prep will launch a window in
which you can preview the camera image and capture it via manual selection of
the TWAIN driver capture icon.
Once the camera is focused on the workspace, we recommend de-selecting
“preview” by default in order to streamline the workflow. The “preview”
window functions do not correspond to hot-keys programmed into the pedal.