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Status Panel
The status panel is a display of LED indicators located on the rear of the chassis which provide
information about the current status of Husky. The indicators are described in Table 1.
Battery status. The four LED segments provide an approximate
indication as to the relative lifetime remaining in the battery.
Communications status. When green, Husky is receiving a stream of
correctly-formatted motion commands, and is ready to drive. When
yellow, Husky is receiving commands but will not drive due to
emergency stop or another error. When red, serial communications are
currently timed-out.
General error status. Illuminates red when Husky will not drive due to
an error state. Such states include emergency stop, insufficient battery
power, or an unspecified software error.
Emergency stop status. Illuminates red when Husky will not drive due to
the emergency stop being activated, either onboard or wireless (if
Charge indicator. Illuminates red when Husky user power is being
supplied externally.
Table 1: Husky Status Panel Icons