©2014 Clearpath Robotics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Q: After turning Husky 90 degrees, it reported that it turned more than that.
A skid steer vehicle like Husky may slip when turning. The encoders cannot capture
slippage and will report that the vehicle has turned more than in actuality. We suggest
you couple the encoder data with an IMU that reports turns more accurately. The
encoder and IMU can be combined using robot_pose_ekf. You can find information here
What is the Username and Password?
A: Husky is shipped with the Username: administrator and password: clearpath
How much power can be drawn from the user power lines?
A: The absolute maximum recommended currents on each rail are as follows:
5V - 5A
12V - 4A
24V - 5A
Each rail is protected by a 5A fuse. For continued protection against risk of fire replace
fuses only with those of the same type and rating.