Machine cleaning
The Ride-on-Sweeper is a machine with electrical components.
Attention !
Humidity damages electronic components.
Humidity can lead to creeping current and short circuits.
Never use high-pressure cleaners.
Attention !
Before doing any work on the Ride-on-Sweeper it is compulsory to first
TURN-OFF and the Main Switch (Emergency-Off Switch) and REMOVE
THE KEY in order to prevent unforeseen switching-on of the machine.
The opened main cover is to be secured by the support rod. Place the
support rod for the main cover in a safe and stable position.
Whenever working on electric and electronic parts of the machine it is
compulsory to first disconnect the negative terminal/pole of the battery!
Only use appropriate and faultless tools and equipment for your
maintenance and service work.
Every twelve (12) months, resp. 200 Operation hours, it will be neceessary to
have professional inspection of the Ride-on-Sweeper by an authorized and
competent person (primarly by the manufacturer or an authorized dealer or
trained specialist).
The results of this inspection must be kept to record in writing and to be
saved at least until the next inspection takes place.
KS 1100 -
Maintenance and Service
Safety instructions