Pro-OX 1650 Iron Filter Installation & Startup Guide
Page 5
Rev 080814
7. The drain line tubing (not supplied) is connected to a drain from the drain outlet using flexible 1/2” ID
tubing. Note that the drain can run up above the CWS 165 control valve and into a drain—it does not
have to drain down, as the filter backwashes under line pressure from your well pump. Most plumbing
codes require an air-gap connection, so that if your sewer or septic tank backs up, it cannot cross con‐
nect with the drain tubing.
How Your Iron Filter Works
See Fig. 1 below. Water enters your iron filter through the top of the tank and flows down through the
media and up the distributor tube. Downflow type filters remove sediment and can be backwashed to
clean and reclassify the media inside, preventing channeling. During backwash the flow of water is re‐
versed: water flows down the distributor tube and up through the media, lifting, expanding, and cleaning
Fig. 1—Iron filter cutaway diagram