J-PRO-22 Alum Guide Rev 0021622 Page | 16
Maintenance Tips
Check Alum residual at least once per month and adjust the J-PRO-
22Pump and/or solution strength if needed.
Winterizing: do not let the J-PRO-22Pump or tubing freeze. If you need to winterize, drain the
solution tank and discard Alum solution.
Place the suction of the pump into a bucket of clean water and allow the pump to run until the J-
PRO-22Pump is free of any Alum solution.
Remove the suction from the water and allow the pump to pump dry. Pump is ready to store.
NOTE: if diluting Alum, use only distilled water, water from a reverse osmosis system, or at
least softened water. Do not use untreated well water.
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Call us at 831-462-8500 or email
Spare Parts:
These installation parts are included with initial order, but you may wish to have spares on hand, or
replace the injection check valve, foot valve or diaphragm later.
P7007540 Diaphragm
Injection Check
Foot Valve