OP 1418
Use accessories recommended by Sunmatch.
Check the position of the reversing mechanism before operating the tool so as to be aware of the direction of
rotation when operating. Use only impact sockets and accessories.
Do not use the hand sockets or accessories.
Check the drive end of the tool to make sure that the socket retainer functions correctly and that sockets and drive
ends are not excessively worn which may allow the socket to come off when rotating.
Connections requiring specifi c torque must be checked with a torque meter after fi tting with an impact wrench.
Attach the correct size socket to the anvil. Set the compressor’s pressure regulator to 90PSI. Connect the tool to
the air compressor’s hose. If leakage is detected, disconnect the air hose and fi x it correct before use. Place the
socket over the nut to loosen. Grip the tool fi rmly.
Make sure that the nut or bolt you are using the tool to tighten can withstand the rated torque. Tighten the nut as
far as you can by hand. Place the socket on the nut. Press the Reverse valve forward so it protrudes out the front
of the housing. Please the trigger to start the tool.