OP 0307
Before using the jack, carefully read these instructions and become acquainted with the safety symbols.
- This handbook is an integral part of the machine which must be kept safely and be handy for the worker to consult
whenever needed.
- The contents of this manual comply with Machine Directive 98/37 EEC and the jack is type approved in
conformity with the European Norm EN 1494 and following amendments.
- The manufacturing company reserves the right to make modifi cations without prior notice and without incurring any
sanctions whatsoever, without prejudice to the safety and main technical characteristics.
- Failure to observe the instructions may cause personal injury, which in some cases may be mortal.
- The manufacturer is not liable for any damage to things or injury to people caused by an erroneous or incorrect
use ofi ts product.
The identifi cation plate is on the side of the casing.
Only authorised personnel are allowed to use the equipment and they
must know the contents of this operating and maintenance handbook.
-The jack is an apparatus for lifting only and not for supporting, it is
therefore absoltely forbidden to work in any way under the vehicle being
lifted until it is placed on the relative stands. DWG. 2
- Before starting to lift a vehicle it has to be blocked with the parking
brake and/or by putting wedges under the wheels, as illustrated in fi gure
DWG. 3
- If the vehicle is loaded check load stability when lifting.