Operator's Manual (EN) - DC Propane Burnisher
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Engine Emissions and CO Safety
The purpose of this document is to provide information on:
The potential effects of CO exposure;
The methods to reduce the risk of CO poisoning;
The methods used to determine the amount of potential exposure to CO produced by equipment.
All LPG (Liquid Propane Gas) powered engines, including this engine, produce Carbon Monoxide
(CO). It is a
that is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-irritating gas. It is produced by
incomplete combustion of carbonaceous material such as propane (LPG).
Failure to provide for proper venting of CO produced during the operation of combustion powered engines may
result in SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH to the operator and those in the contaminated area.
The effects of CO can be experienced at different exposure levels, depending on the health of the individual.
Conditions that affect the tolerance of the individual are smoking, age, temperature, humidity, and other
Read and understand The Operators Manual completely before using this machine
This document explains how CO produced can be managed to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
All distributors, owners, and operators should be aware of the potential effects of CO and the methods used to
prevent over exposure.
ALTO U.S. is dedicated to our customers, their safety, and providing information, services, and products that
meet those needs.
Information provided in this document is current as of the date written November 1997.