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necessary on all double joints and once the you become an experienced
welder, you will prefer to use rod on all welds, regardless of how thin the steel
to be welded.
Material of 5mm or thicker should be
bevelled before welding. A 30º bevel
on each piece is the recommended
angle. This is necessary to obtain the
best penetration possible through the
entire thickness. A rod is necessary on
all welds with bevelled edges. Once
the torch movement and puddle
control are mastered, you will be
able to make vertical, horizontal and
flat welds with confidence.
Brazing differs from welding because the two pieces of metal to be joined are
not fused together. The brazing rod melts at a lower temperature than the
parent metal and the braze strength comes from the surface overlay of the
brazing rod.
The advantage of brazing over welding is that it is the best way to join
dissimilar metals, or repair cast iron. Almost any two metals can be joined by
brazing, excluding aluminium and magnesium.
Brazing is separated into two types, depending on the type of rod used,
bronze or silver. Bronze is less expensive than silver and should be used when