Your pendant can be registered to your Fortissimo or Sempre, to allow
remote control of your main unit.
You can have up to 4 devices connected to your speakerphone:
• 4 spare handsets (XLC3.5HS) maximum
• 1 p 3 (up to) spare handsets
• 2 pe 2 (up to) spare handsets
Place your pendant or handset in registration mode, and
then start the registration mode on your speakerphone.
• To start registration mode on the pendant, press and hold the but-
ton on the pendant until you hear the third beep, and both the red
lights under the button and the side green LED start flashing togeth-
er; release the button. The green/red lights will keep flashing during
the registration process.
• To start the registration mode on your main unit, press and hold
the FIND button until you see the messge “Registering...” on your
screen; release the FIND button.
• Allow the registration process to complete, as it takes a few minutes.
When registration is complete, the screen on the main unit displays
“Registration successful” and the lights on the pendant will stop flash-
ing together.
Once the pendant is registered, the green light on the side of the unit
will slowly blink (in standby mode), and the lights for the main button
will turn off within 15 seconds after the completion of the registration