W-1100 Clarity Extra
Your Walker Clarity is packed with features
that will help you improve your communi-
cations over the telephone.
Clarity Power Control
The Clarity Power Control allows you to
control the clarity of your phone conver-
sations. It will let you hear clearly phone
calls that are normally difficult to under-
stand. The amplification will be increased
by more than 33 decibels and the fre-
quency band from 2000 to 3000Hz will be
specially enhanced to improve the clarity
of your call.
To Increase Clarity Power:
Slide the button marked Clarity Power
toward the right.
To Decrease Clarity Power:
Slide the button toward the left. The
extreme left is the level of a normal tele-
phone conversation.
Boost Control
The W-1100 has a boost button that
controls the loudness of the receiver. Once
the boost button is pressed, the volume
will jump to the volume level indicated by
the volume control. The boost button will
reset automatically every time the phone is
hung up for at least 5 seconds. This
feature will allow the user to make multiple
calls in quick succession without having to
press the boost button at the beginning of
every call.
Clarity Effect (On/Off
Switch) Smart Tone Control
Clarity ON insures the user that the high
frequency sounds are being amplified
more than lower frequencies so that words
are not just louder, but clearer and easier
to understand. Clarity OFF provides the
loudest output possible.
Sound Level Indicator
This LED signal indicates if there is
speech or sound present on the line. It will
be bright and steady when a dial tone is
present. It will flash in rhythm with a busy
signal and will flicker when the person on
the other end is speaking. This feature is
designed to assist those individuals with a
more profound hearing loss. This indicator
will not function without AC power.