Clara AGX Developer Kit User Guide
depend on CUDA, this means that these packages are also uninstalled when the active GPU is
To reinstall the packages after switching GPUs, the corresponding *.deb packages that were
downloaded by SDK Manager during the initial installation can be copied to the Clara AGX
Developer Kit and installed using apt. By default, SDK Manager downloads the *.deb packages
to the following location on the host machine:
Note that the version numbers may differ – if this is the case, use the latest version of the
arm64 package that exists in the download directory.
$ sudo apt install -y ./deepstream-6.1_6.1.0-1_arm64.deb
Setting up SSD Storage
Without setting up SSDK storage and moving docker storage to SSD, you might fill up the root
directory with Docker image pull operations, since a complete installation of the Jetpack
leaves only about 10GB of storage remaining in the root 32GB.
If the Clara AGX Developer Kit is reflashed with a new JetPack image, the partition table
of the m2 drive will not be modified and the contents of the partition will be retained. In
this case the Create Partition steps can be skipped, however the Mount Partition steps
should be followed again in order to remount the partition.
Any state, binaries, or docker images that persist on the m2 drive after flashing the
system may be made incompatible with new libraries or components that are flashed onto
the system. It may be required to recompile or rebuild these persistent objects to restore
runtime compatibility with the system.
The Clara AGX Developer Kit includes a pre-installed 250GB m2 solid-state drive (SSD), but
this drive is not partitioned or mounted by default. This section outlines the steps that you
should follow after the initial SDK installation in order to partition and format the drive for
The following steps assume that the m2 drive is identified by the Clara AGX Developer Kit
as /dev/sda. This is the case if no additional drives have been attached, but if other drives
have been attached (such as USB drives) then the disk identifier may change. This can be
verified by looking at the symlink to the drive that is created for the m2 hardware
address on the system. If the symlink below shows something other than ../../sda, replace