Anderson 45A Power Pole DC Power Dimmer Output Connectors (/Blue -):
These are the +VDC dimmed outputs for the D3 Dimmer, and are labelled A, B and C.
They mate directly with the 30A and 45A Anderson Power Pole connectors on CTI
Anderson Twofers, cable assemblies, and other devices. Note that for each dimmer
channel the Blue – output is the pulse width modulated (PWM) output, while the Yellow
+ output is the constant power output. The D3 Dimmer is capable of outputting up to 30
amps of DC power, so be sure that the connected output power wiring is up to the task!
Reset Switch: This little recessed switch resets the Microcontroller in the D3 Dimmer.
Use a paper clip or other small object to press if required.
5P XLR Male Connector: DMX/RDM Input. Connect your DMX512 source here using
any ESTA compliance DMX512 cable.
5P XLR Female Connector: DMX/RDM Pass-Thru/Output. When the Transmitter is
connected to a conventional DMX controller, this connector serves as a DMX pass-thru.
DMX Termination Switch: The D3 Dimmer DMX Input is provided with a conventional
manual termination switch. Switch the handle to ON for end-of line DMX Termination.
Menu System
Addressing Misc.
DMX Start
Bump Buttons
DMX Personality
Data Loss T-Out
Level Tests
Backlight T-Out
Dimmer A Level
Battery Voltage
Dimmer B Level
RDM Label
Dimmer C Level
RDM Unique ID
Curve Selection
Input Status
Dimmer Curve A
Restore Defaults
Dimmer Curve B
Firmware Version
Dimmer Curve C
LED TV/Film Mode
LED Smoothing
Figure 3, D3 Dimmer Menus
After power-up the LCD display will read:
D3 Dimmer
DMX: No Data
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