HDX RealTime Media Engine Connection Status
1) Connected – the RealTime Connector on the Citrix server has established a connection to the
RealTime Media Engine and we are ready to offload Audio/Video.
2) Connecting – MediaEngine is attempting to connect to RTC.
3) Un-Optimized / Fallback – RTME is not installed on the client and you have entered into fallback
mode depending on configuration.
4) Connected with Warning symbol – Usually indicates a version mismatch. RTC on the Citrix server
could be a higher version than the RTME on the client.
5) Not Connected – Unable to launch media engine on endpoint.
6) No bow-tie shown, RTME is not installed at all on the client or there is an issue with the Citrix
Bring Your Own Device
Hi-Definition Experience
RealTime Media Engine
RealTime Connector