– communicates the key across the network.
“Key length”
The administrator can select the key length among 64, 128 or 256 bits.
64bits is the default setting.
“Key format”
Hexadecimal or ASCII. “
” is the default setting.
- digits consist of the numbers 0~9 and the letters A-F .
is a code for representing English letters as numbers from 0-127 except “, <,
> and space characters that are reserved.
“Network Key
” Entering a key in either hexadecimal or ASCII format. When selecting
different key length, acceptable input length is listed as following:
64 bits key length: 10 Hex digits or 5 characters.
128 bites key length: 26 Hex digits or 13 characters.
Note: When 22(“), 3C(<) or 3E(>) are input in network key, the key format can’t be
changed to ASCII format.
<url> http://<Network Camera>/setup/wireless.vspx
<Network Camera> is the domain name or original IP address of the Network Camera.
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