Applies the settings of the default template. The default
template contains the following statistics and values.
Values are in minutes.
Each entity has a default template. In each default
template, the sample interval is 10 minutes, and the
default sample count is 5.
(Optional) Sets the number of samples to be taken.
sample-size size
(Optional) Sets the frequency of each sample, in
sample-interval minutes
(Optional) Maintains the history of statistics collections
(Optional) Sets instance filtering by regular expression.
Command Default
Statistics collections for all entities is disabled.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Release 2.0
ospf v2protocol
ospf v3protocol
keywords were introduced
to support the creation of statistics collection templates for the OSPF entity.
Release 3.2
Removed support for MPLS interfaces.
Release 3.3.0
interface basic-counters
keyword was added to support the creation of
statistics collection templates for the basic counters. The
keywords were added.
Release 4.0.1
Usage Guidelines
If you have not yet created a directory for the statistics, use the
performance-mgmt resources tftp-server, on
page 384
command to create a directory on an external TFTP server. When you apply the template and enable
statistics collection with the
performance-mgmt apply statistics, on page 374
command, the samples are
collected and sent to that directory for later retrieval.
The statistics collected contain type of entity, parameters, instances, and samples. The collection files on the
TFTP server are in binary format and must be viewed using a customer-supplied tool or they can be queried
as they are being collected using XML.
Cisco IOS XR System Monitoring Command Reference for the Cisco XR 12000 Series Router, Release 4.1
Performance Management Commands
performance-mgmt statistics