To remove a VIC, reverse the above procedure. You might find it helpful when removing the connector
from the motherboard to gently rock the board along the length of the connector until it loosens.
Figure 18: Installing an mLOM Adapter
Installing an Adapter Card
All supported adapter cards have a shared installation process. A list of currently supported and available
models for this server is in the specification sheets at this URL:
The UCS B200 M4 blade server has two adapter slots (Slots 1 and 2) that support the following VIC cards:
VIC 1340 and VIC 1380
VIC 1240 and VIC 1280
Slot 1 is for the VIC 1340 or VIC 1240 cards. Slot 2 is for the VIC 1380 and VIC 1280 cards, and can also
be used for the VIC port expander, the Intel Crypto mezzanine card, and non-I/O mezzanine cards, such as
Fusion IO.
When the Cisco Nexus 2104XP Fabric Extender (FEX) module is used, the VIC 1280 and the VIC port
expander cards are ignored because there are no traces on the Cisco 2104XP to connect to any VIC or IO
card installed in Slot 2.
Cisco UCS B200 M4 Blade Server Installation and Service Note
Servicing a Blade Server
Installing an Adapter Card