8 1200-Watt AC-Input Power Supply Replacement Instructions
Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Functions
The show environment command display reports the current environmental status of the system.
The report displays parameters that are out of the normal values. No parameters are displayed if the
system status is normal. The example that follows shows the display for a system in which all
monitored parameters are within Normal range. Following is sample output of the show env
Router# show env
All measured values are normal
If the environmental status is not normal, the system reports the worst-case status level in the last
line of the display.
The show environment last command retrieves and displays the NVRAM log showing the reason
for the last shutdown (if the shutdown was related to voltage or temperature) and the environmental
status at that time. Air temperature is measured and displayed; the DC voltages supplied by the
power supply are also displayed. Following is sample output of the show env last command:
Router# show env last
RSP(6) Inlet previously measured at 27C/80F
RSP(6) Hotpoint previously measured at 38C/100F
RSP(6) Exhaust previously measured at 31C/87F
+12 Voltage previously measured at 12.17
+5 Voltage previously measured at 5.19
-12 Voltage previously measured at -12.17
+24 Voltage previously measured at 23.40
The show environment table command displays the temperature and voltage thresholds for each of
the three RSP2 temperature sensors, for each monitored status level: low critical, low warning, high
warning, and high critical, which are the same as those listed in Tables 2 and 3. The slots in which
the RSP2 can be installed are indicated in parentheses (6 and 7). Also listed are the shutdown
thresholds for the processor boards and power supplies. Following is sample output of the
show env table command:
Router# show env table
Sample Point LowCritical LowWarning HighWarning HighCritical
RSP(6) Inlet 44C/111F 50C/122F
RSP(6) Hotpoint 54C/129F 60C/140F
RSP(6) Exhaust
RSP(7) Inlet 44C/111F 50C/122F
RSP(7) Hotpoint 54C/129F 60C/140F
RSP(7) Exhaust
+12 Voltage 10.76 11.37 12.64 13.24
+5 Voltage 4.49 4.74 5.25 5.52
-12 Voltage -10.15 -10.76 -13.25 -13.86
+24 Voltage 19.06 21.51 26.51 28.87
Shutdown boards at 101C/213F
Shutdown power supplies at 101C/213F
Temperature ranges and values are subject to change.