PA-8T-232 Synchronous Serial Port Adapter Installation and Configuration
Chapter 5 Configuring the PA-8T-232 Interfaces
Checking the Configuration
Slot database information:
Flags: 0x4 Insertion time: 0xFAC (17:24:40 ago)
Slot 7:
EEPROM format version 1
Route/Switch Processor 2, HW rev 1.0, board revision A0
Serial number: 00000001 Part number: 00-0000-01
Test history: 0x00 RMA number: 00-00-00
Flags: cisco 7000 board; 7500 compatible
EEPROM contents (hex):
0x20: 01 1C 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00
0x30: 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 00 00 00 00
PA Bay 0 Information:
Mueslix Serial PA, 8 ports
EEPROM format version 1
HW rev 1.0, Board revision A0
Serial number: 4294967295 Part number: 255-65535-255
PA Bay 1 Information:
Fast-Serial PA, 4 ports
EEPROM format version 1
HW rev 1.0, Board revision A0
Serial number: 02024473 Part number: 73-1389-05
The slot values 0 and 7 are not relevant to any physical connection; disregard these slot values.
Catalyst 6000 Family FlexWAN Module in Catalyst 6000 Family Switches
Following is an example of the show diag command that shows a PA-8T-232 in a Catalyst 6000 family
FlexWAN module:
Router# show diag
(Additional display text omitted from this example]
Slot 8: Logical_index 17
Board is analyzed ipc ready FlexWAN controller
Slot database information:
Flags: 0x2004Insertion time: unknown
CWAN Controller Memory Size: Unknown
PA Bay 1 Information:
Mx Serial PA, 8 ports
EEPROM format version 0
HW rev 0.00, Board revision UNKNOWN
Serial number: 00000000 Part number: 00-0000-00
Cisco 7100 Series Routers
Following is an example of the show diag slot command that shows a PA-8T-232 in port adapter slot 3
of a Cisco 7120 series router:
Router# show diag 3
Slot 3:
Mueslix serial (RS232) port adapter, 8 ports