Interface information is not displayed if interfaces are not configured on this VSAN.
The following example displays membership information for all VSANs:
switch #
show vsan membership
vsan 1 interfaces:
san-port-channel 3
vsan 2 interfaces:
fc2/3 vfc4/1
vsan 7 interfaces:
vsan 100 interfaces:
vsan 4094(isolated vsan) interfaces:
The following example displays static membership information for the specified interface:
switch #
show vsan membership interface fc2/1
allowed list:1-4093
Default VSANs
The factory settings for Cisco SAN switches have only the default VSAN 1 enabled. We recommend that you
do not use VSAN 1 as your production environment VSAN. If no VSANs are configured, all devices in the
fabric are considered part of the default VSAN. By default, all ports are assigned to the default VSAN.
VSAN 1 cannot be deleted, but it can be suspended.
Up to 256 VSANs can be configured in a switch. Of these, one is a default VSAN (VSAN 1), and another
is an isolated VSAN (VSAN 4094). User-specified VSAN IDs range from 2 to 4093.
Isolated VSANs
VSAN 4094 is an isolated VSAN. When a VSAN is deleted, all nontrunking ports are transferred to the
isolated VSAN to avoid an implicit transfer of ports to the default VSAN or to another configured VSAN.
This action ensures that all ports in the deleted VSAN become isolated (disabled).
When you configure a port in VSAN 4094 or move a port to VSAN 4094, that port is immediately isolated.
Do not use an isolated VSAN to configure ports.
Up to 256 VSANs can be configured in a switch. Of these, one is a default VSAN (VSAN 1), and another
is an isolated VSAN (VSAN 4094). User-specified VSAN IDs range from 2 to 4093.
Cisco Nexus 5500 Series NX-OS SAN Switching Configuration Guide, Release 7.x
Configuring and Managing VSANs
Guidelines and Limitations for VSANs