URI Parameters (extension to the Command URL separated by /): N/A
Table 106: URI Query/Set Arguments (possible fields and values preceded by ? and separated by &)
URI Argument
Format output using JSON standard.
Type: exist
Values: any value or empty (any of js=1, js, js=0, or
js=9999 are valid)
Omitting this argument formats the output by default
in XML.
js (optional)
Input example (read back all faults info in JSON format):
curl -k -H "X-SESSION-ID: $token" ""
Expected output (values are for example purposes only):
"faults": {
"summary": {
"actalarms": "0",
"actwarns": "6",
"clrfaults": "332"
"status": [
"type": "Warning",
"name": "TDT warning
"details": "RF1 TDT is lost",
"setsince": "2017/03/21 22:26:06"
"history": [
"name": "System Startup
"type": "Alarm",
"details": "Auto reset after timeout",
"setdatetim": "2016/12/19 17:33:46",
"rstdatetim": "2016/12/19 17:33:47",
"state": "Clear"
"name": "Signal Status
"type": "Alarm",
"details": "Signal is locked",
"setdatetim": "2036/11/21 14:27:04",
"rstdatetim": "2036/11/21 14:27:10",
"state": "Clear"
"name": "FPGATemperature Warning",
"type": "Warning",
"details": "ecc_reset_fpga_temp_warn",
"setdatetim": "2017/03/03 23:06:27",
"rstdatetim": "2017/03/03 23:06:48",
"state": "Clear"
"name": "Signal Status
"type": "Alarm",
"details": "RF1 Signal is lost",
"setdatetim": "2017/03/21 22:25:11",
"rstdatetim": "",
Cisco D9800 Network Transport Receiver Version 2.75 RESTful Web Services API Reference Guide
API Definitions
Alarms and Warnings