Information About VLAN Group
Whenever a wireless client connects to a wireless network (WLAN), the client is placed in a VLAN that is
associated with the WLAN. In a large venue such as an auditorium, a stadium, or a conference where there
are numerous wireless clients, having only a single WLAN to accommodate many clients might be a challenge.
The VLAN group feature enables in using a single WLAN that can support multiple VLANs. The clients can
get assigned to one of the configured VLANs. This feature enables to map a WLAN to a single VLAN or
multiple VLANs using the VLAN groups. When a wireless client associates to the WLAN, the VLAN is
derived by an algorithm based on the MAC address of the wireless client. A VLAN is assigned to the client
and the client gets the IP address from the assigned VLAN. This feature also extends the current AP group
architecture and AAA override architecture, where the AP groups and AAA override can override a VLAN
or a VLAN group to which the WLAN is mapped.
Related Topics
Creating VLAN groups (CLI), on page 16
How to Configure VLANs
How to Configure Normal-Range VLANs
You can set these parameters when you create a new normal-range VLAN or modify an existing VLAN in
the VLAN database:
VLAN name
VLAN type
Fiber Distributed Data Interface [FDDI]
FDDI network entity title [NET]
Token Ring
Token Ring-Net
VLAN state (active or suspended)
Maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the VLAN
Security Association Identifier (SAID)
Bridge identification number for TrBRF VLANs
Ring number for FDDI and TrCRF VLANs
Parent VLAN number for TrCRF VLANs
Consolidated Platform Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches)
Configuring VLANs
Information About VLAN Group