Obtain Cisco Unified IP Phone Address Book Synchronizer, on page 297
Address Book Synchronizer Deployment, on page 297
To ensure that Cisco IP Phone Address Book Synchronizer users access only their end-user data, activate the
Cisco UXL Web Service in Cisco Unified Serviceability.
To configure Personal Directory from a web browser, users must access their User Options web pages. You
must provide users with a URL and sign-in information.
Cisco IP Manager Assistant
Cisco IP Manager Assistant (IPMA) provides call routing and other call management features to help managers
and assistants handle phone calls more effectively.
IPMA services must be configured in Cisco Unified Communications Manager before users can access them.
For detailed information on configuring IPMA, see
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Features and Services Guide
IPMA has three key components:
A manager is the user whose incoming calls are intercepted by the call routing service.
An assistant is the user who handles calls on behalf of a manager.
Assistant Console
The assistant console is a desktop application that can be used by assistants to perform tasks and manage
most features.
IPMA supports two modes of operation: proxy line support and shared line support. Both modes support
multiple calls per line for the manager. The IPMA service supports both proxy line and shared line support
in a cluster.
In shared-line mode, the manager and assistant share a directory number and calls are handled on the shared
line. Both the manager phone and the assistant phone ring when a call is received on the shared line. Shared-line
mode does not support default assistant selection, assistant watch, call filtering or divert all calls.
In proxy-line mode, the assistant handles calls on behalf of a manager using a proxy number. Proxy-line mode
supports all IPMA features.
IPMA softkey templates
IPMA features are accessed by softkeys and through Phone Services. The softkey template is configured in
Cisco Unified Communications Manager. IPMA supports the following standard softkey templates:
Standard Manager
Supports manager for proxy mode.
Cisco Unified IP Phone 8961, 9951, and 9971 Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager 10.0
Features, Templates, Services, and User Setup
Cisco IP Manager Assistant