Start the System
Before you start the system, verify the following:
• All modules are installed correctly and all interface cable connections are secure.
• Each power supply is installed correctly and is connected to a grounded power
• If two power supplies are present, each power cord is connected to a different line.
• A terminal is connected to the supervisor module console port and is turned on.
Turn the power supplies ON (|). The switch begins the boot process.
During the boot process:
• The LEDs on the power supplies should be green.
• The PS1 and PS2 LEDs on the supervisor engine should be green.
• The fan LED on the supervisor engine should be green and you should hear the
system fans operating.
• The System Status LED on the supervisor engine should be green after the boot is
complete (it will flash red, orange, and green during startup).
• The supervisor engine interface LEDs and module LEDs (such as the Link LEDs)
might blink or stay lit continuously during the boot process. Many module LEDs
do not come on until you configure the interfaces. Wait until the system boot is
complete before attempting to verify the module LED indications.
• The console terminal displays a script and system banner.
• When the boot process is complete, the supervisor engine begins to initialize the
modules. Messages appear on the console as the modules come online.
Press Return at the Enter Password prompt to access the console command line.
Your installation is complete!
Now, refer to the Quick Software Configuration Guide
to configure the switch.