©2010 CIS Corporation. All rights reserved.
Table of Settings
Shutter Mode
Fixed Trigger
Shutter Mode
(Sync Reset)
Pulse width trigger
Shutter Mode 1
(Sync Reset)
Pulse width trigger
Shutter Mode 2
(Sync Non-reset)
Shutter speed by switch
Shutter speed by pulse width
Full Frame Scan
Binning Scan
Partial Scan
HD/VD Input
HD/VD Output
1 When using the camera with Restart-Reset Mode, shutter speed setting switch shall be OFF.
2 2:1 interlaced scan can be valid but restart-reset mode cannot be operated at normal shutter mode.
Normal Shutter Mode
Each scanning mode and HD/VD external sync input and sync output are valid.
When adding external sync input, please follow the HD/VD input conditions shown below.
Restart-Reset Mode
Restart-reset mode (Long time exposure mode) is valid at normal mode, with setting the shutter to OFF, HD/VD
sync input ON, and adding external EXT HD input. With adding EXT VD at random timing with over 1VD, data
for one screen image is read out. This function is useful when sensitivity with regular exposure time is not
sufficient or when indicating the locus of moving object. Restart-reset operation corresponds to all scanning
modes except 2:1 interlaced scan mode.
Fixed Trigger Shutter Mode (Sync Reset Mode)
At fixed trigger shutter mode, exposure time is set by the shutter value of switch at camera rear. With trigger
input, images can be captured at any timing.
Internal SYNC and VD are reset right after completion of exposure so that the video output signals are read out
at the shortest timing. HD external input is valid but VD external input invalid.
Exposure time = Value of switch at rear
Conditions: Trigger input pulse width shall be 4
250ms, Positive Logic
The shortest trigger cycle = 1 frame + 5H