2000- 2005 Cirronet
M-2450-0000 Rev B
Sleep pin. There are three modes for the escape sequence, controlled by the
Set Escape
Sequence Mode
zc = 0
Escape sequence disabled
zc = 1
Escape sequence available once at startup
zc = 2
Escape sequence available at any time (default setting)
mode setting is useful if the user application has a need to change the modem
settings "on the fly". In this mode the escape sequence is always enabled and may be
sent at any time after a pause of at least 20ms. The modem will respond in the same way
as when in the default mode. It is necessary to issue the
Exit Modem Control Mode
, before resuming data transmission.
Note: The escape sequence must be interpreted as data until the last character is received
and as such may be transmitted by the modem to any listening modems.
2.3.2. Power Down Mode
To save power consumption for intermittent transmit applications, the WIT2450 supports
a Power Down Mode. Power Down Mode enables the user to achieve exceptionally low
current consumption (typically less than 1 uA) in non-active units. Pin number 14
(fourteen) is a device input, a low voltage on this pin (0-Vdc to 1-Vdc) puts the device in
power down. A high voltage on this pin (3.3-Vdc to 5Vdc) puts the device in normal
operating condition. This mode allows the radio to be powered off while the terminal
device remains powered. After leaving Power Down Mode, the radio must re-
synchronize with the base station and re-register.
Note: This pin cannot be left unconnected.
If Power Down is not needed, this pin must be tied to 3.3v.
2.3.3. RF Flow Control Mode
Because of slight differences in baud rates between transmitting and receiving hosts,
when sending large amounts of data (100’s of KB) in one direction in a point-to-point
application, it is possible to overrun the receive buffer of the receiving radio. For
example a nominal 115.2Kbaud at the transmitting radio’s host might really be 115,201
and at the receiving radio’s host it might be 115,199. This is similar to a situation where
the transmitting radio is sent data at a higher baud rate than the baud rate at which data is
received by the receiving host. To compensate for the variations in nominal baud rates,
the WIT2450 supports an RF flow control mode for point-to-point operation. In this
mode, when the receive buffer of the receiving WIT2450 is close to full, the receiving
WIT2450 stops acknowledging transmissions. The transmitting radio is set to infinite
retries which invokes the RF flow control mode (See
Set Packet Attempts Limit
in Section
5.3). The receiving radio will not begin acknowledging transmissions from the
transmitting radio until more room in the receive buffer has become available. This will
cause data in the transmit buffer of the transmitting radio to back up. If it backs up to the
point where the transmit buffer fills up, the transmitting radio will deassert CTS stopping
data from the transmitting radio’s host device. Once room is available in the receiving