----- Analyzer of power supply quality CAVA-251 / CAVA-252 / CAVA-253 ------- Page No. 13
7.2.- Setup procedure
A correct operation of the CAVA will depend on a right setup and connection
Parameters to be user-programmed through the appropriate PC software are
following ones:
Time of the on-board analyzer clock. A right set is important to get correct
information about the time that difference incidences occurred.
To modify the baud rate when communicating to the P.C.
Rated voltage:
The rated voltage of the single-phase power system to be monitored
by the CAVA. This point is very important since determine limits for the analysis of
power supply quality.
Time constant for voltage measurement(seg):
The CAVA is set by default to
provide the average value of the voltage for a period of one second. If required, this
integration time can be modified just setting at this option the desired period is
Voltage threshold:
For some application it is not effective to monitor the
maximum/minimum absolute value of the voltage but to record the percentage
related to the whole period (x% of the period) that a maximum value has been
exceeded, or that a minimum value has not been exceeded. If the maximum voltage
value of reference is desired to be the absolute one, then the value 0% must be set.
Quality threshold:
% of the rated voltage. The analyzer counts the number of
cycles whose R.M.S. value is within these limits. According to the number of right
cycles the CAVA will give the percentage of voltage quality.
Voltage sag and dropout threshold:
% of the rated voltage. Every cycle whose
R.M.S. value is below this limit is stated to be voltage sag or dropout.