Cipia Vision Ltd.
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Provisioning and Maintenance
The features and capabilities of the Cipia-FS10 device typically used during the
provisioning and maintenance phases of the device life cycle are described below.
Config File Changes
It is possible to alter the configuration file parameters, before or after installation using
one of the following connection modes:
Backend application over cellular/Wi-Fi networks (entire file only).
Mobile app via BT/Wi-Fi connectivity (either discrete parameter or as a
complete file).
PC via USB (either discrete parameter or as a complete file).
Backend application through Telematics device connected via RS232 (entire
file only).
Upon loading of a new configuration file, the device applies the changes immediately.
Some parameter changes require a device reboot for the change to take effect.
Refer to M manual for more information about the configuration file management.
Debug Environment
A desktop connected to a device using the USB interface allows the user or technician to
fully debug the device and observe its properties (ID, MAC, settings), operation states
and modes, events generated, I/O status, connection status, error messages etc.
Upon detection of a USB master device connection (via the micro-USB port) while the
device is powered, the Cipia-FS10 device immediately enters maintenance mode and is
ready for communication with the PC
’s CLI
for the following purposes:
Video buffers download/delete.
Configuration file review/change.
Debug (error/activity logs).
Versions upgrade
both the OS and Cipia-FS10 app.
Video streaming to PC for evaluation and debug purposes.
Refer to the Cipia-FS10 Command Line Interface Manual for further information about
the use of the Cipia-FS10 USB interface.