How to Guide: Processing
1. Killing
Before plucking the feathers, you must process the bird. Processing cones and
sharp knives are recommended. Bleeding will take roughly 1-2 minutes. Never kill
more birds than your feather plucker can handle in one batch. Birds must be
scalded and plucked within 5-7 minute after bleeding.
2. Scalding
It is important to scald your birds before plucking. We recommend using a
temperature-controlled feather wetting unit at 149
F. At 149
F, scald your birds for
roughly 1-2 minute, depending on age of birds. Note: Always use a thermometer to
check water temperature. Also, make sure to dunk your birds by holding the wings.
If you scald for too long or too hot, skin will tear and/or brown color could appear,
especially on the breast meat. Tip: Don
t forget to change your water periodically
when it becomes dirty.
3. Plucking
To start, turn the unit on and place the bird(s) inside. Make sure to never exceed
the max capacity of 13lb and if the unit slows, decrease the number of birds in the
unit. Plucking will take 30-40 seconds. You should use a hose or water source to
wash the feathers down the shoot.
After plucking you must clean the inside of the bird immediately by placing it in a
bath of cold water. Some users will add ice to the water.
: 1-year warranty on electronic parts