Saline Chlorinator Install Manual
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Warranty Registration Card
Please complete and return to activate ChlorKing® warranty
Please mail or fax to ChlorKing® inc. P.O. Box 80823, Atlanta, GA, 30366 Fax: 770-685-6576
Dealer Name:
Address: _________________________________City:__________________
Installation site of equipment:___________________________________________
Address: _________________________________City:__________________
Date of purchase:__________________
Serial number:___________________
1. Pool size:______________________
2. Pool finish:____________________
3. Indoor / Outdoor:________________
4. Heated: Yes / no
5. Filter Type:_____________________
6. Pool Age:_____________________
7. New or existing pool:_____________
7. Controller installed: Yes / No
8. If controller installed, what make and model: _____________________________