Modbus® RTU Data Client
User Manual
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© 2018 Chipkin Automation Systems
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Figure 4.2-3 - Mod Form
Fill out the form to setup the Mod.
This document assumes that the data being read by Modbus is 32-bit floating point.
To configure a mod to convert 2 16-bit Modbus registers to a 32-bit floating point value, fill out the
form as follows:
Mod Type
Reverse Mod
Leave unchecked.
Byte Order
Set to DCBA
the most common byte order that we have seen.
Use a name that explains what the mod is for. Example: Convert4000140002ToFloat
Source Table
this should stay as da_data as this is where to raw data from the Modbus device
is being stored.
Source Offset
where in the da_data table the data to modify is stored.
Source Length
set as 2 since we are using 2 registers for the conversion.
Destination Table
the data table to store the resulting floating point. Set to da_data_mod
Destination Offset
where in the destination table to store the value. Set to 1 for the first one,
then 2, then 3, etc.