Click on the Read button in the EEPROM area to display the Save As dialog window:
Figure 23: EEPROM Save As Dialog Window
Browse to the appropriate folder to save the EEPROM data file. For example the data
can be stored at the following location:
Type a new filename and click on the Save button to start the upload and file saving
process. The example above shows filenames that were created using the serial
numbers for each board in a kit.
If you are going to save the EEPROM data for another CC2420DB board repeat this
Restoring the IEEE Address of the CC2420DB
The Atmega128L EEPROM memory is used to store the Chipcon assigned unique 64-bit
address. Occasionally, the content of the EEPROM content must be restored from a disk file.
The AVR Studio in conjunction with JTAG ICE, JTAG ICE mkII or AVR ISP will be used to
download the EEPROM data from a disk file specified by the user to the Atmega128L
EEPROM memory.
When a project is first created in AVR Studio, the EEPROM will be erased when the .
is downloaded to the CC2420DB. For this reason, the EEPROM memory content must be
reloaded from the previously saved disk file after creating the new AVR Studio project. The
following procedure can be used to restore the initially EEPROM data.
With power removed from the CC2420DB, connect the JTAG ICE, JTAG ICE mkII or
AVR ISP to the their respective connectors on the CC2420DB. Make sure the JTAG
cable is oriented correctly. Please refer to figure 21 to see where pin 1 is located.
Open AVR Studio and click on the AVR button. When AVR Studio detects the
programming device connected to the CC2420DB the programming settings window
will appear. Select the
tab: Please refer to figure 24.
Disable the
Preserve EEPROM memory through the Chip Erase Cycle
fuse and click
on the
button. Examine the fuses dialog window for proper fuse
programming. Please refer to figure 24.
Chipcon AS
CC2420DBK Demonstration Board Kit User Manual
(rev. 1.3) 2004-11-03 Page 36/ 52